People’s Manifesto Being Championed By A Dead Goat- G.S. Khartey Writes

People’s Manifesto Being Championed By A Dead Goat- G.S. Khartey Writes
Mr. John Dramani Mahama

Elections and governance have always walked hand in hand. It is ostensibly clear that political parties around the world ignite their electioneering engines at the sight of general elections. Many such parties, are quick to make the transition from an electioneering machinery to a governance machinery once they assume office. This is what distinguishes a party ready to govern from a party that has its mind cast in just winning political power for the sake of it.

Undoubtedly, the NDC has over the years, demonstrated to the Ghanaian people that for them, power is the ultimate goal and not the people. It is however, surprising to say the least to see the NDC, caption their manifesto, “The People’s Manifesto’. How can one claim to be for the people yet when they demand accountability are told by John Mahama that he has activated the dead goat syndrome. Such hypocrisy is the basic characterization of John Mahama and his NDC. In their purview, the idea of leadership of service is alien and incompatible with their desire for corruption, mismanagement and misappropriation.

Mahama’s hypocrisy stems from the difficulty he faces with stringing a vision for Ghana. A vision for the Ghanaian people to judge and vote on. His lack of vision and foresight is what has led to his numerous flip-flops on issues regarding governance. Whenever we look to John Mahama for leadership, we find a man who just does not care. A man who does not understand our needs as a people despite his countless claims of being a man of the people. This is the man who said Ghanaians had short memories yet today is coming back to us for another opportunity at the seat of government. Unfortunately for him, our “short memories” can recall vividly, all his actions and inactions that sent Ghana into a nose dive of maladministration. Sorry, John somethings are for competent people only!

In the run up to the 2012 and 2016 elections, “government official 1” and the NDC did everything to sabotage arguably, the single largest social intervention policy of any Ghanaian government, Free SHS. They run countless advertisements decrying the purported unrealistic nature of this policy. Over 45 advertisements were run, all in the bid to turn the good people of Ghana away from the NPP and Nana Akufo-Addo. This same John Mahama has in recent time engaged in political acrobatics by making a huge flip on his demonization of the Free SHS policy. This policy’s core themes of access, quality, equity and equality resonates with Goal 4 of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and has indirect bearings on Goals 5, 8, 9 and 10. Today, Mahama is shamelessly campaigning on the fringes of Free SHS and promising Ghanaians that he will continue with the policy he had labelled impossible and absolutely ridiculous. This is the lowest of lows in terms of hypocrisy. The Free SHS “doomsday prophet” now wants to lead the charge to secure it? HOW?

The NDC and Mr. Mahama have shown that even in their hypocrisy, they are incompetent and inconsistent. A government that wrecks the carefully planned and initiated NHIS now tells Ghanaians that they shall be bringing free primary healthcare. For eight years, the NDC mismanaged NHIS and left it for dead. The scheme that saw many mothers give birth free-of-charge and also granted them access to pre-natal and post-natal care was arrogantly drained and defiled by Mr. Mahama and his NDC.

Today, we have these same people blowing the trumpet of free primary healthcare. Is Mr. Mahama not aware that NHIS already has embedded in it the issue of primary healthcare? Campaign Manifestoes are meant to be the magnum opus of a political party that is serious with governance. It is clear that Mr. Mahama and the NDC have still not woken up from their slumber of incompetence and the lack of vision and foresight.

Political ideology in recent history has maintained some dynamism. The NDC, has always paraded itself as a social democratic party that seeks to protect social welfare and create economic opportunities for the masses. They have “cunningly”, on numerous occasions intimated their passion to see the masses lifted out of poverty. Yet, one may ask- what social intervention programme or policy can the NDC boast of? Your guess is as good as mine. ZERO!

Their idea of promoting morality which is a key tenet of social democracy has been taken over by corruption, gross incompetence, abuse of power and office, and a total disregard for the people they pledged to serve. This same party, led by Mr. Mahama would want us to believe that they are capable of managing the numerous social intervention policies and programmes, set up by the Akufo-Addo government, and which have brought relief to Ghanaians. The NPP has over the years, embodied and have come to believe in the dynamism of governance within the context of democracy. The NPP has walked the talk with every social intervention policy it set out to achieve.

It is instructive to note that, other social intervention policies like 1D1F, 1V1D, Planting for food and jobs, NABCO were all treated with disregard. But today, owing to the many benefits from these interventions, Mahama is promising to continue with NABCO. How can we trust someone who watched our guinea fowls fly into Burkina Faso, with such a huge intervention policy like NABCO which has seen over a hundred thousand people enrolled and now able to put food on their tables and those of their families.

This same Mahama, who presided over an economy that made it impossible for job creation is now promising 1 million jobs? We have passed the period of trial and error.

We are in a time of serious business and will not entertain such political shenanigans.

The hypocrisy of Mahama cuts far and deep. He blames the current government for depositors losing their savings while forgetting to mention that he ably supervised the mismanagement, misappropriation and misapplication of funds. He was President at the time and was running the economy! He never took prudent steps to safeguard the savings and deposits of unsuspecting customers. His indecisive leadership and lust for power and influence took his mind far off the imminent banking and financial sector collapse. Unlike Mahama however, Nana Akufo-Addo took the tough needed steps to ensure that Ghana does not suffer an economic meltdown. He also ensured that depositors received their monies, even depositors of DKM and God is Love, people Mahama mocked.

John Mahama has failed to realize that his infamy is in no way akin to fame. The people of Ghana rejected him for a good reason- he was just not cut out for the job. Everyone hoped that he would grow into the job but the job grew out of him. If we are to be taken seriously as a nation, we do not need the tricks of a man who finds nothing wrong with re-enacting need for speed with his brother on the tarmac of the Kotoka International Airport at the expense of the tax payer.

At a time when COVID-19 had reared its head in Ghana and all stakeholders were coming together to fight this pandemic, the NDC under the leadership of Mahama rather sought to create their own coronavirus task force and perpetuated misinformation. Why scandalize government’s efforts to control the pandemic when you could have easily proffered suggestions to that government task force that had been created. A man who disinforms the people he seeks to lead is not fit to lead them at all.

Fellow Ghanaians, through Nana Akufo-Addo, we have seen this country’s promise. We have seen a man, with the passion to serve his people and bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. We have seen a man whose desire is to create equal opportunities for all. We have seen a man selfless and poised to deliver a Ghana worth coming to.

This is our time and chance to make a statement as a people. This is our time to reject hypocrisy and mediocrity. This is our time to forge on with the leadership of service that we have enjoyed as a people for the past 4 years.

Fellow Ghanaians, it is time to send Mahama and his legion of hypocrites packing for good!


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