Peace Advocate To Embark On Long Walk From Tamale To Accra To Promote Violence -Free Election 2020

Peace Advocate To Embark On Long Walk From Tamale To Accra To Promote Violence -Free Election 2020

A 34-year old sports man and peace advocate has decided to embark on a national peace walk project to promote a violence-free December general elections.

Derrick Lomotey will commence his adventure walk from Tamale later this month and end in Accra in November.

Derrick’s route to Accra willl pass through Kumasi on October 23 where he will make a stopover for some social engagements.

An agent of the walker, Chief Inspector Nabubiu Zenabu who first spoke to said it is the second time Derrick is embarking on a peace walk. His first effort to walk all the way from Tamale to Accra was made in 2008 which was hailed by peace lovers.

Derrick who confirmed the peace project in an exclusive interview explained that his motive is rooted in a national call to contribute his quota towards maintaining the peace in the country.

“I’m using the walk to encourage Ghanaian youth not to conduct themselves in a way that can undermine the process of electing the nation’s new political leaders.” He said.

According to him usually in the run-up to elections the youth are tempted to apply their strength and exuberance to foment trouble on behalf of their masters by being overtly aggressive.

“It’s a common knowledge that in the few months ahead of the elections youth vigilantism experiences an upsurge with the media platforms usually becoming the battle ground for political opponents to insult one another. Under normal circumstances the youth become the worst culprits in the creation of unnecessary tension in the country by seeing their political opponents as enemies as they insult one another.” He noted.

Derrick who claims he abhors all forms of violence exhorted the youth to respect the elderly in society as well as refraining from allowing themselves to be manipulated by some political actors.

“Victory in an election will naturally go to one particular political party but ultimately it is a shared victory for the whole country’s benefit and this is what should guide the youth. Ghanaians especially, the youth should consider an electoral victory for one political party as a victory for the whole country.” He emphasized.

The walker noted that a major feature of the project is that on arriving in Kumasi, he will pay a courtesy call on the Asantehene Otumfuor Osei Tutu at the Manhyia Palace to seek his sacred blessings.
Additionally Derrick will visit the Kumasi Central Mosque to pray for renewed spiritual strength and guidance before he heads for Accra where he will end his long walk from Tamale.

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