Parliamentary Service Regrets Pre-Inauguration Incident In Parliament

Parliamentary Service Regrets Pre-Inauguration Incident In Parliament

The Parliamentary Service has issued a statement to express its deepest regret at what it termed, “regrettable incident” ahead of the inauguration of the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo after his electoral victory to commence a second four year term.

In the full glare of TV cameras beamed to an audience around the globe the MPs were seen engaging in scuffles leading to the destruction of some electoral materials.

A more disturbing scenario of the skirmishes was when it became apparent that the marshals and the few police personnel in the chamber could not effectively handle the situation thus, compelling some armed military troops to storm the chamber to restore order.

The statement signed by the Service’s Public Affairs Director, Kate Addo said, “Parliament would like to assure all citizens that its staff are “dedicated to assisting Speakership, Leadership, and the entire Membership of Parliament in the discharge of their duties.”

It also noted that the Parliamentary Service will put the incident behind it and work towards a more focused unified membership aimed at promoting best parliamentary practices and good governance.

“ We have decided to put it behind us to forge a stronger, unified path aimed at promoting best Parliamentary practise and good governance.”

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