Over 50 NDC Supporters Defect To NPP As The 5 Northern Regions NPP Supporters Launch Campaign @ Asawase

Over 50 NDC Supporters Defect To NPP As The 5 Northern Regions NPP Supporters Launch Campaign @ Asawase

Over 50 National Democratic Congress (NDC) supporters at Asawasi have crossed carpet to the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) ahead of the December polls.

According to them, they have witnessed the massive transformation in their lives within the first term of Nana Akufo-Addo’s government.

Their declaration became a major feature of the launch of an Association known as the “The Five Northern Regions NPP Supporters” at Asawasi on Sunday.

The members of the Association are drawn from as many as 18 ethnic groups in the north. Their linguistic back grounds are as follows: Dagombas, Mamprusis, Gonjas, Kantambas, Bimmobas, Baasari, Wangara, Walas, Dagarbas, Sissalas, Frafras, Kusasis, Grusis, Bulsas, Grumas, Busangas, Moshie and Hausas.

They told wontumionline.com in Kumasi that, they will support Nana Akufo-Addo and the Parliamentary candidate for the area, Hon. Halidu Seidu to win the Parliamentary seat.
“We have promised that, Insha Allah, we will work for Nana Akufo-Addo and Hon Halidu Seidu to ensure that everything works to perfection for them.” They noted

The co-ordinator for the NPP Identifiable Groups in the Ashanti Region, Mr. Agyei Osei, hailed the motive of the defectors and warmly welcomed them into the fold of the ruling party noting that, “they have done the right thing.”

According to him, some of the defectors have been in the NDC party for years but “they haven’t derived any benefit and have thus, lost hope.”

Mr. Osei assured the group that their individual lives would definitely experience a massive transformation since they have crossed carpet to “a party that cares for the people.”
“We have accepted you and welcome you to the great party.” He assured them

The coordinator for the NPP Identifiable Group later sworn in the 5 Northern Region NPP supporters executives. The Chairman is Abdulai Iddrisu Atta a.k.a Chairman Rambo and Mr. Christopher Akpasim who is the secretary.

He challenged them to be effective in steering the affairs of the group since the task assigned them is a great one.

He urged them to always bear in mind that the NPP is a formidable party and that they should feel committed, honest and serve the party with their all.

Mrs. Monica Afriyie also known as Mama China, who is the founder of the NPP Identifiable Groups said that, “the country’s youth have come to accept that, it’s only NPP that can bring about sustainable transformation of their lives and consider it an obligation to continue to support it.

She said that, no matter what Hon. Muntaka Mubarak will lose his seat to Hon. Halidu Seidu.

“There’s no way Muntaka can retain his seat and whether he likes it or not he will lose it to Halidu Seidu in the December elections.” He predicted.

Mama China called on NPP members to be united ahead of the general elections.

She said that, “the sun will not shine forever” and assured party members that” it would rain for every person in the party to reap the fruit of their labour and the sacrifices they have made for the party will never be in vain.

“The more the party stays in power, the longer Ghanaians shall continue to enjoy comfortable lives.” She stressed

She urged the NPP members and supporters to adopt a house to house campaign strategy to explain the achievements of Nana Akufo-Addo to the electorate so they would not be misled by the NDC’s propaganda and lies which have become their stock in trade.

Chairman Rambo, said that, the great achievements of Nana Akufo-Addo are so visible that they convincingly justify his second term in office

“The government has been very faithful to the people of the Zongo communities by establishing the Zongo Development Fund and also the creation of a separate Ministry to cater for the affairs of the country’s Zongo.” He emphasized.

However, Mr. Iddrisu Atta insisted that, the NPP would definitely grab the Parliamentary seat in Asawase from the NDC in the December elections.

According to him, the involvement of the Youth in the area and the Parliamentary Candidate in the active campaign is a morale booster which would do the magic in bringing about victory.

For his part, the Secretary of the group, Christopher Akpasim emphasized that, NPP’s social intervention policies as well as the creation of the Zongo Ministry by President Akufo-Addo have really helped the Zongo communities.
He noted that, they are now able to acquire free SHS unlike the previous years.

He said that, the 1 Village 1 Dam policy has also helped them to have adequate supply water for their farming activities during the dry season.

Mr. Akpasim added that, the NPP government gives the farmers in the area enough quantity of fertilizers which was the opposite during the NDC era.

He hinted that, the 18 different tribes from the Northern Regions would go to all areas in the Zongo Communities in the Ashanti Region especially, Drobonso, Ejura- Sekyedumase and Asawase and explain the good works of Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP and campaign vigorously to make the Agenda 47/ 47 a reality.

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