Our Problem In Ghana And Africa Is Poor Leadership – Political Analyst

Ghanaians, on Friday, August 4, 2023, celebrated Founders’ Day to recognized the immense contribution of the country’s founding fathers in ensuring the sovereignty and freedom of the Country.

Speaking to Mr. Samuel Boateng, a political analyst on the significant impact of the Founders’ Day on the nation, he stated that the founders of Ghana fought so hard to secure independence and freedom for the country with a common purpose of development but the leaders we have had after the independence have been failures hence the stagnation of the country’s growth and development.

He indicated that the problem we have as a nation and a continent is leadership and so it is about time we opt for good leadership because the country and the continent can be transformed from a poor state to a promising one through better leadership qualities and will directly impact the citizenry with massive developmental projects.

He added that Ghanaians have contributed their quota to the development of the country hence if the right leaders are acquired, things will work better for the tremendous transformation of the country.

Mr. Samuel Boateng commenting on the freedom and sovereignty of the country noted that freedom without development and improvement cannot be considered as freedom because we seek freedom for developmental purposes and so our forefathers and founders kept a common goal of growth and effective transition after freedom.

He bemoaned how our current leaders have developed keen interest in partisan politics rather than considering the welfare of the citizenry and the country at large stressing that the freedom gained has not have any positive impact on Ghanaians as a results of poor and hypocritical leadership.

The political analyst added that the numerous holidays on the country’s calendar must be reduced because it always affect productivity. He emphasized that a country that entertain holidays is considered a lazy country and so for Ghana to achieve the best, it is necessary to reduce the number of Holidays and change the bad attitude towards work to increase productivity.

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