NPP Will Definitely Break The 8 Year Cycle, But…..- Deputy General Secretary

NPP Will Definitely Break The 8 Year Cycle, But…..- Deputy General Secretary

The Deputy General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party, Nana Obiri Boahen says he is highly optimistic that the party will definitely break the eight year cycle of continuous staying in office by one particular government since Ghana was ushered into a democratic rule.

But he cautioned that this can only be possible “if members of the NPP put their acts together and consolidate their united front. “

In an interview on Wontumi Radio/TV Morning Show Nana Obiri Boahen affirmed that though he is the deputy secretary of the party he is not enthused about the election victory because “there is a huge hurdle ahead as to who leads the NPP in the 2024 elections.”

“The votes difference in the 2020 election indicates that, NPP must go to the drawing board. Ghanaians voted for NPP because of the love and the believe they have in Nana Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia.” He said

He disclosed that, he nearly fulfilled his threat of committing suicide if John Mahama became President when he saw the votes John Mahama was securing during the counting of the votes.

According to him, if John Mahama had become the President, it would have taken the NPP many years to re-capture power.

The Deputy General Secretary of the NPP, stressed that, from the analysis of the 2020 election, the 2024 election will not be an easy task.

According to him, the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) have already started showing seriousness for the 2024 elections.

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