NPP Refutes Kevin Taylor’s Private Army Allegations

If NPP Picks 30% Votes From Zongo Areas, Mahama Is Completely Finished- Lecturer
The governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has debunked spurious allegations against the party by rumour monger, Kevin Taylor concerning the 2024 general elections.

The party described the allegations as complete falsehood and asking all well-meaning Ghanaians to disregard the “spurious and reckless allegations”.

Kevin Taylor alleged that the ruling government intends to form a private army to unleash mayhem in the 2024 polls.

However, NPP in a statement signed by its Director of Communications, Richard Ahiagbah said “The New Patriotic Party has taken note of another outlandish publication by Loud Silence Media, a dubious, discredited US-based online false propaganda outlet that focuses on lies, insults, vulgar language, and dangerous and mad rantings as a model of broadcast entertainment.
His recent episode makes spurious and reckless allegations that the New Patriotic Party plans to raise a private army to unleash violence in the 2024 elections.

“Kevin Taylor, over the years, has exhibited characteristics of a classic psychopath in his rantings. Ordinarily, such a character should not have his lies and vulgarity dignified with a response.”

The party said it would not had responded to the allegations if not because Ghana has found itself in era of disinformation, where a few persons, who are lured by the dark entertainment value of Kelvin’s mad broadcasts, may believe such lies, hence the Party deems it necessary to respond as follows:

“1. The New Patriotic Party believes in the sovereign will of the Ghanaian people and will not embark on any such methods that will disturb the peace and stability of our country. Election results are determined by the sovereign will of the majority of Ghanaian voters.
2. The Government birthed by the Party is not interested in and will never indulge in such activities as alleged.

“3. The NPP Government is focused on resolving our economic challenges. When the time for elections comes, it will campaign cleanly and vigorously on its ability to resolve Ghana’s challenges. Our focus now is on how to deal with the Ghanaian people’s bread and butter issues. It is that which will, by and large, influence the minds of voters.

“4. Kevin Taylor has repeatedly shown that he does not have the mental capacity to distinguish facts from fantasy. For him, it may all be about fame and entertainment or for narrow partisan gains. People in his cast are instead a danger to our democracy and the peace and stability for which decent citizens care about. They would stop at no lies to create unfounded fear and panic.”

It therefore urged those who take their time to watch and listen to his libelous and dangerous rantings to take them for exactly what they are: “mad rantings. So long as some Ghanaians choose to follow him of their own free will, he will continue to specialize in publishing his lies and in vulgar language.”

By Vincent Kubi

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