NPP Needs Massive Turnout To Win The December Election- Bosomtwe DCE

NPP Needs Massive Turnout To Win The December Election- Bosomtwe DCE

The District Chief Executive of Bosomtwe, Hon. Lawyer Joseph Kwasi Asuming, has appealed to the electorate in his area to go out in their numbers to vote massively for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) on the election day.

He said that, the NPP need massive turnout to boost their chances of securing the percentage threshold to win the election.

Hon. Lawyer Asuming stated this during the Farmers Day Celebration at Sewua on Friday which was monitored by be humiliating

He said that, it is a sure bet that the NPP will win the election but the victory should cause the NDC a humiliation and embarrassment.

“Sewua people should show love and appreciation on the election day. If you don’t vote for us we won’t curse you but we will advise you.” Hon. Lawyer Asuming joked

He said that NPP is number one on the ballot paper so the electorate should note that.

He urged the people not to be intimidated by any threats by their opponents or do anything by themselves to breach the peace of the constituency.

“Let’s all go and vote peacefully on the day.” He said

According to the DCE, President Akufo-Addo’s government has been very good to the Bosomtwe Constituency.

“The scale of developmental projects provided by the government in our area is overwhelming. About 65 projects are currently under construction expect a mortuary because we don’t need it. We want developmental projects.” He said

He indicated that, the District Assembly is constructing a KG classroom block, 6 Unit classroom and a 6 seater Water Closets toilet facility for Sewua D/A School.

He said that, the Constituency’s Senior High School has moved from a three to a six classroom block facility under the administration of President Akufo-Addo.

Hon Lawyer Asuming said that, the School Feeding Programme now caters for 50 schools from the previous 32.

According to him the central government has given scholarship to about 38 students and the local administration has also awarded scholarship to 105 students in the Bosomtwe Constituency.

“592 people are beneficiaries of NABCO, 510 Youth have been employed under the Youth Employment Agency. We have three factories under the 1D1F.” He said

He noted that, for the first time in the history of the creation of the district Bosumtwe will soon acquire an asphalted road.

The DCE indicated that, from Dompoase to the Jachie stretch of the main Bosumtwe Road would be a dual carriage and from Jachie to Kuntanase stretch will also be a single lane .

Hon. Lawyer Assuming affirmed that, most of the area’s poor road network are under rehabilitation.

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