Norwegian, Spanish Envoys End Tour Of Duty In Ghana, Bid President Akufo-Addo Farewell

Post Covid-Recovery: President Akufo-Addo Embarks On Official Visits To France, Belgium, South Africa
President Akufo-Addo

Norwegian, Spanish Envoys End Tour Of Duty In Ghana, Bid President Akufo-Addo Farewell

The Ambassador of Norway to Ghana, Gunnar Andreas Holm and the Spanish Ambassador to Ghana Alicia Rico Perez Del Pulgar, have both completed their tours of duty in the country.

The two envoys today the 23rd of July 2021, paid a farewell call on President Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House to formally announce the end of their diplomatic engagement in Ghana.

*Norwegian Ambassador*

Gunnar Andreas Holm, the Norwegian Ambassador was first to meet with the President. In his remarks, he noted that he feels sad about leaving Ghana, however he is excited that he is staying in Africa as he moves to Kenya as the new Ambassador of his country to that nation.

He observed that during his four years of service in Ghana, he has engaged with different Ghanaian from all walks of life and he believes that he has been able to develop the bilateral relations between Ghana and Norway a bit further than it was when he took office.

He ended his submissions by announcing that the Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, who co-chairs the UN Secretary General’s Advocacy group for the Sustainable Development goals with President Akufo-Addo will be hosting the disability summit in February 2022 and she is looking forward to doing same together with President Akufo-Addo. To this end, he said an official letter is due to be dispatched to Accra to that effect.

*President Akufo-Addo*

President Akufo-Addo expressed the gratitude of the Republic to Ambassador Holm, describing his four year stay in Ghana as a very dynamic period. President Akufo-Addo proposed that his successor may have to consider the establishment of a formal vehicle for consultations between Ghana and Norway to ensure periodic conversations between the two countries.

“The economic relations between our two countries have grown significantly and I believe that the years ahead point to an even greater involvement. I am looking forward to that very much” President Akufo-Addo said.

*Spanish Envoy*

The Spanish envoy, Alicia Rico Perez Del Pulgar, when she took her turn indicated in her brief remarks that the opportunity to tour the Republic of Ghana has been an eye opening experience for her diplomatic career. She noted that Ghana can count of Spain as it strategic and true partner going forward.

“When you were in Spain your excellency, it was your birthday remember… yes and you got a Real Madrid t-shirt. Well, today is my birthday and it is a lucky coincidence and I couldn’t think of a better birthday present than to be able to bid you farewell at the end of my tenure” Ambassador Perez Del Pulgar said.

*President Akufo-Addo*

President Akufo-Addo on his part said during the period of Ambassador Alicia Del Pulgar’s tour of duty in Ghana, relations between Ghana and Spain has seen a strong growth.

“You have been very active and very positive about promoting relations between our two countries. We have to thank you, there are several initiatives in the educational sphere with scholarship arrangements and the whole Covax initiative which has been very active. It has been a good experience to have you here” President Akufo-Addo.

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