No government under the fouth Republic has better records than Nana Addo – Richard Ahiagbah

The National Communication Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), RICHARD AHIAGBA has made a bold claim that no government in Ghana’s history has performed better than the current administration led by President Akufo-Addo.

According to the director, the Akufo-Addo government has achieved unprecedented success in various sectors, including economy, education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.

“The Akufo-Addo government has delivered tangible results that have positively impacted the lives of Ghanaians and the Ashanti Region,” the director stated. “No government has done better than us in terms of policy implementation and development projects.”

The director cited examples such as the Free Senior High School policy, the Planting for Food and Jobs initiative, and the construction of major roads and bridges as evidence of the government’s impressive performance.

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has dismissed the claim as “propaganda” and “a desperate attempt to cover up the government’s failures.”

The NDC has accused the government of mismanaging the economy, failing to address corruption, and neglecting critical sectors like healthcare and education.

While some agree with the NPP’s assessment, others argue that the government has fallen short of its promises and that the country’s challenges persist.

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