Nana Ama Ampomah Supports Over 200 Widows In Subin With Wax Prints, Food.

Madam Ampomah speaking to the media after the event.


Nana Ama Ampomah Supports Over 200 Widows In Subin With Wax Prints, Food.


Nana Ama Ampomah, Ashanti Regional women’s organiser on Saturday evening gave over 200 widows in Subin constituency wax prints, cooked food and some money to aid their transportation to their homes.

This is an initiative she started ahead of the 2020 elections where widows in all the 47 constituencies in the region were to enjoy the generous gesture.

Noted for generous and philanthropic acts through a foundation she set up in 2017 named the Ampomah Foundation, the women’s organiser for Ashanti has had widows and the needy at heart.

Addressing the widows at the event organised by the Subin women’s wing with support from the Electoral Area coordinators and Assembly men in Subin, Madam Ampomah thanked the team for providing the platform to her to meet widows in the NPP stronghold.

She noted that God has a special heart for widows and the needy in society.

Madam Ampomah revealed that in the scriptures God attends to the prayers of the needy and widows with promptness.

Anyone, the women’s leader stated who treats widows and the needy with scorn will surely be dealt by God ruthlessly.

She therefore asked for prayers from the widows for the NPP and the President so they could implement the policies they have for the people of Ghana.

Nana Ama Ampomah, Ashanti Regional women's organiser for the NPP presenting a wax print to one of the widows in Subin. In the pic are Ama Konadu Boateng, Subin women's organiser and Mr Osei Hyeaman, 1st Vice Chairman, Subin NPP
Nana Ama Ampomah, Ashanti Regional women’s organiser for the NPP presenting a wax print to one of the widows in Subin. In the pic are Ama Konadu Boateng, Subin women’s organiser and Mr Osei Hyeaman, 1st Vice Chairman, Subin NPP

Ama Konadu Boateng, Subin women’s organiser on her part thanked the Regional women’s organiser for the show of care for the widows in her community.

She asked the widows to pray for the Regional women’s organiser so that she would have enough to continue the generous acts she does annually.

Madam Konadu also assured the women’s organiser the support of the Subin constituency in the event she decides to attempt a third term bid.

The NPP, she insisted needed resourceful and generous leaders to ensure the wing becomes vibrant and able to deliver on the mandate of winning more of their folk in the NPP.

Speaking to this reporter, Maame Akosua Adwubi, a 65 year old widow expressed appreciation to Madam Ampomah for the love shown her and her folk.

60 year old Auntie Mansah Adutwumwaah said some of the widows like herself are suffering to cope with life.

Such generous acts by philanthropists like the NPP women’s leader gives hope to some them that they are not forgotten by society.

Mr Osei Hyeaman, 1st Vice chairman for Subin NPP commended the NPP women’s leader for bringing smiles on the faces of widows in the constituency and urged the latter to continuously offer prayer for Madam Ampomah.


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