Muslims Need Schools And Hospitals Not Morgues- GCPP Chairman

Muslims Need Schools And Hospitals Not Morgues- GCPP Chairman
Chairman Kofi Owusu Omar

The Muslim communities in Ghana need schools and hospitals and not morgues, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP), Kofi Owusu Omar, have said.

On behalf of his Muslims brothers and sister, the GCPP Chairman stated on the Wontumi Morning Show that the idea by former President John Mahama to build morgues for the Zongo communities was a shallow idea and is “creating confusion for us.”

John Mahama is not a Muslim and he is creating confusion for us. We will pray so that he loses by a bigger margin in 2020. If he is promising morgue, we don’t need. The Muslim community needs school, hospital and mosque”, the well-spoken GCPP leader said on the show.

He continued that “for now we need the schools and hospitals because most communities already have the mosque” adding that “we need to educate our people to become doctors so that they can work in the hospitals.”

Chairman Owusu Omar pointed out that the mortuary plans by the flagbearer and leader of the NDC, was disrespectful to Muslims and for that reason they would massively vote against him in the 2020 elections.

God willing John Mahama would lose the 2020 elections. When did you (Mahama) have a consensus with Muslims to know we need morgues in our communities? We will be praying against John Maham because he is bringing division to Islam”, the GCPP Chairman noted on the show which was monitored by

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