MTN Ghana Unveils Modern Office At Kaladan

MTN Ghana has opened an ultramodern office in Tamale.

The new branch which is located at Kaladan, a suburb of Tamale will serve as a customer service center and office space for the management of the telecommunications company in the Northern Region.

The customer service center contains 12 tellers who will be attending to customers at a time.

Speaking at the opening of the office in Tamale on Tuesday, September 13, the Chief Sales and Distribution Officer , Shaibu Haruna said the Kaladan Branch will offer all services offered at the Tamale Post Office branch which until today was the only service center MTN had in the Tamale Metropolis.

He said the old office will not be closed down as it is expected to complement the services the new office complex will be rendering.

Mr Haruna said it is part of MTN’s growth in terms of customer experience, adding that more service centers were going to be opened in various locations across the Northern Region.

The Northern Regional Minister, Alhaji Shani Alhassan Saibu who was at the opening of the new office said the new spacious office complex will ensure efficiency in the delivery of service and reduce the struggles customers went through on a daily basis at the old office.

Alhaji Saibu said the new office will help reduce the congestion and traffic at the Post Office branch of MTN, where he recalled that customers spent long hours in queues to be served, thereby causing congestion and road traffic on the Dagomba road.

He said aside making it easier for Ghanaians to communicate with each other, MTN has also made money transactions easy since the introduction of its Momo service.

The Regional Minister commended MTN for the numerous Corporate Social Responsibility projects it has embarked on in the Northern Region.

He mentioned the construction of a 600 bed capacity dormitory building at the Tamale Senior High School, the construction of a neonatal center at Tamale Teaching Hospital.

The Minister also thanked MTN for the numerous startup support to small scale businesses to commence business.

MTN-Ghana is Ghana’s leading telecommunication company and currently has over 4.2 million active subscribers.

Since its entry into Tamale in 2002, MTN Ghana has been rendering services to an average of 4,000 customers a week.

The opening of the new branch is therefore expected to reduce the time customers spend in accessing MTN’s customer service.



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