Massive Turnout For Wontumi Free Health Screening And Kenkey Party In Kumasi

Dozens of residents in Kumasi of the Ashanti region thronged the forecourts of Wontumi Multimedia at Asokwa, received a free health care.

The initiative put together by Wontumi TV/Radio,, saw mostly local nurses, physicians and paramedics screened hundreds of persons including the aged, some of whom reported to the venue as early as?5am.

The screenings were done for ailments such as Diabetes, Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis in a virtual health post setup.

The over 1,000 patrons were also taking through health education on various lifestyle diseases.

The General Manager of Wontumi Multimedia, Mr Kofi Agyei, described the massive turnout as ?very impressive and overwhelming? and said the screening is another indication of the stations giant?s commitment to bringing quality health care to the door step of underprivileged Ghanaians.

He said the exercise formed part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a focus on assisting Ghanaians who were less or under privileged.

Some beneficiaries in an interview with the said they were excited and grateful for the exercise.

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