Man, 44 Decomposed Body Found At Akwatia

Man, 44 Decomposed Body Found At Akwatia

The body was found on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 in his room at the Akwatia – Denkyembour District of the Eastern region.

An eyewitness stated that, the deceased body had decomposed for days now and was discovered by a tenant who according to him heard a strange smell emanating from the room.

“ Dennis for 4 days now was nowhere to be found, one tenant decided to check the room if he has returned but heard some odd smell coming from the room. So he called other guys to help break the door only to find Dennis motionless body on the floor in pool of blood”.

The deceased is believed to have vomited the blood as a result of poison, saying, “we are just waiting for the outcome of the investigations by the police.”

The late Dennis Mensah according to sources announced the celebration of his 45 birthday which is tomorrow April 8th but death has laid its icy hands on him, leaving behind three kids.

The Akwatia District Police Command together and the Environmental Protection Agency have conveyed the decomposed body to the morgue, pending police investigations.

BY Prince Fiifi Yorke

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