Mamponghemaa Blames Film Producers For Bad Content

Mamponghemaa Blames Film Producers For Bad Content


The Mamponghemaa, Nana Agyakoma Difie Il has vent her anger on film producers for sinking the image of Ghanaian movies.

According to her, the producers have not only failed to supervise good contents but stories are not Ghanaian cultured.

The candid spoken Queen mother was speaking on the Wontumi Entertainment Zone on Wontumi TV hosted by Vincent Kofi Osei aka Stain and Godslove.

Nana Agyakoma Difie Il fumed that instead of the producers tailoring stories to suit our culture, they give alien content.

“I get so bored when watching our own movies.Let’s tell our own stories and it will sell us to the outside world,” she emphasized.

Nana Agyakoma Difie Il entreated movie producers to go back to the drawing board and reconsider movies made the Ghanaian way.

This, the Mamponghemaa noted, will project the Ghanaian culture and raise the sinking image of Ghanaian movies.

“Nothing is wrong when you use your own backyard stories in movies but how can you always use witches movies as contents always.This is wrong and must stop,” the Queen mother stressed.

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