Lucifer Has A Special Place In His Heart For Musicians, Be Wary Of Drugs – Hammer To Musicians

Popular music executive cum businessman, Hammer, has admonished musicians to be wary of the negative lifestyles they adopt at the peak of their careers.

According to him, Lucifer, who was once the greatest musician in heaven, has a special interest in destroying musicians, who he sees as competition after he (the devil) was cast out.

Speaking during a discussion on Showbiz 360, the founder of the Last Two Group established that musicians shouldn’t give the devil an easy job by adopting all kinds of damaging lifestyles, particularly drug abuse.

Hammer maintained that drug abuse is one of the tools that is mostly used to destroy the flourishing careers of musicians, who either die or watch their careers crumble before their eyes.

“There’s something that I’ve always said. The devil upon a time was supposed to be the greatest musician in the heavens. The devil was the leader of music in the heavens. That tells us that the devil has a special place in his heart for musicians. He is attracted to musicians. So we can only understand that, as musicians, we need to be careful,” he said.

He added that musicians should stop seeing drugs as a means to draw inspiration for their craft.

“A lot of people mistake these drugs or alcohol to be an avenue to inspiration. Arts is about inspiration. Some people, it comes to them. For others, they have to find it. So a lot of beginners try to get inspiration from various avenues,” he stated.

Some of the world’s greatest musicians were said to have died as a result of drug overdoses or intoxication.

The likes of Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Mac Miller, Heath Ledger, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Dolores O’Riordan, and many others reportedly lost their lives to drug abuse.




Source: GhanaWeb

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