Licking A Women’s Vajayjay Is A Criminal Offence- Lawyer Ampaw Discloses

Licking A Women’s Vajayjay Is A Criminal Offence- Lawyer Ampaw Discloses

Private legal Practitioner, Maurice Ampaw, has indicated that, it is a criminal offence for partners to engage in licking activities during sexual intercourse.

He said that, God created the mouth for food consumption.

According to Lawyer Ampaw who was speaking on ‘Mmra Ne Abrabo Mu Nsem‘ on Wontumi Radio and TV on Sunday, “our parents couldn’t have given birth to us if they engaged in licking and sucking.”

He indicated that, a section of men have licked the vagina and it has resulted in rotten teeth.

“Licking and sucking is unnatural and it can’t help a woman to give birth,” he told Obaa Adwoa Nelson Aweh, host of the programme

According to the firebrand Lawyer, some men even bite the vagina when they are ejaculating and it creates injuries in the vagina.

“Men should stop releasing sperms into their partners mouth. It is a criminal offence for a woman to suck the penis,” he insinuated

He said that, Christians especially some pastors engage in such acts but it is regarded in Islam as abnormal.

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