‘Let’s Boycott Awards Without Money, We Deserve Better’- Ofori Amponsah Tells Fellow Musicians

Ace contemporary Highlife musician, Ofori Amponsah has told his fellow musicians to shun awards with no monetary gains in the country if they have to be taken seriously.

In his view, the obsession with awards- which often come with no money except plaques, has impoverished some artistes who have to beg for money to feed their families and fund their medical bills in old age. He told Adom FM in an interview that Ghanaian musicians should ponder over his statement so they can get out of this cycle which rather sees the event organizers making the money.

“For me if someone calls me for an award and he/she does not give me money I won’t go. If they won’t give me anything valuable I won’t go. I past receiving plaques. I have decided and I’m calling on all my colleagues to do same or else they are the same people who will laugh at us in future. It’s because of the musicians the people come to fill the venue. It’s because of the musician that the sponsorship comes through. If there is a programme and they can give out a house as the price, then why can’t they do the same for artistes?” he said during the interview.

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