Ksi: Police Investigate Killing Of Man @ Tafo

Police in the Ashanti region have commenced investigations into the shooting to death of a man at Al-Azhariya Junction, a suburb of Tafo.

Eyewitnesses tell Citi News the assailants, who were driving a vehicle without a number plate, patrolled the community for hours and upon seeing the deceased parking his vehicle, shot him and fled.

The incident has thrown the community into a state of shock, as many who witnessed the incident on Friday evening refused to work on Saturday.

An eyewitness, Kwame Afram has been narrating the gory incident.

“Around 10am, there was a black-unregistered vehicle which was crisscrossing the area. It was later not seen again. Around 4pm, the now deceased person came to park his car and went to buy something at the top. He was later joined by his friends. We later saw the black unregistered vehicle coming around and its occupants started firing warning shots. This compelled people around to run for their lives. While people were running, the persons with the gun managed to shoot the now deceased person. The way the things occurred, it looked as if the now deceased person was the main target because he was the only person who was shot.”

Loved ones and sympathizers have been visiting the family house of the deceased to commiserate with them.

The sister of the deceased, Salamatu Samed described the death as a big blow to the family.

The deceased left behind a pregnant wife and two children.

The family told journalists they want thorough investigations to be conducted, so the perpetrators are apprehended and punished.

“His wife is even pregnant. We don’t have any help anywhere. We call on the government and other benevolent persons to help his family. We are really sad. Our brother wasn’t a bad person.”

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