Kotoko CEO Nana Yaw Amponsah Admits Mistake In Sacking Maxwell Konadu

Kotoko CEO Nana Yaw Amponsah Admits Mistake In Sacking Maxwell Konadu

Asante Kotoko CEO, Nana Yaw Amponsah, insists sacking coach Maxwell Konadu was a mistake.

The former assistant Black Stars coach was sacked after Kotoko’s defeat to Great Olympics in the Ghana Premier League.

The decision to show Konadu the exit door was a sole one taken by the CEO, who admits it was a mistake and should have informed other board members.

“I made a mistake for sacking Maxwell Konadu because I did not officially write to inform the board,” he told Oyerepa FM.

“I admit I am wrong and I accept that. Maxwell Konadu‘s records at Kotoko was not bad but it was time for him to go and other big clubs in the world have done that but I again admit I was wrong for not informing the board.”

The Porcupine Warriors have had a difficult start to the season and are likely to exit the CAF Champions League after suffering a first-leg home defeat to Al Hilal of Sudan.

Coach Johnson Smith is currently serving as an interim gaffer as the club looks for a replacement for Maxwell Konadu.

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