Joint Statement From Local Union Staff Of NLA And Association Of Lotto Marketing Companies

Joint Statement From Local Union Staff Of NLA And Association Of Lotto Marketing Companies

The Association of lotto marketing companies and the National Lottery Authority (NLA) have issued a press statement to address the impasse between the NLA and some private lotto operations.

According to them, it’s pertinent but sad to state that, the huge potentials available to the NLA to work and generate huge sums of revenue to support the economic endeavors of government, the authority is rather struggling to generate income to pay winning prizes, lotto commission, staff salaries and emoluments.

The statement which was sighted by indicates that, it is due to the massive encroachments on its market to feed on the 5/90 game.

However, the lotto marketing companies and the NLA staff have urged the management of the NLA to take steps to harmonize the operations of the private companies with the NLA.

Full statement below:

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