John Mahama’s Economy Record Still Remains Poor Despite Sweet Promises

Victory For Mahama Congratulate Him For Changing Untrustworthy Leadership In Parliament
Former President John Mahama

After spearheading a government that created job losses and increased unemployment among the youth, former President John Mahama is out again promising to create jobs should he be voted for.

During his recent tour to the the Asougyaman, Lower Manya Krobo, Yilo Krobo and Suhum constituencies, the former President and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress, promised the that a future NDC government would create the enabling environment for their businesses to thrive.

For a man whose record when it comes to the handling of Ghana’s economy is poor, it came as a surprise that Mr. Mahama is now preaching that his party has a workable plan in place to strengthen regulations, restore business confidence and increase the share of indigenous ownership of the economy.

John Mahama has been tested before and he failed to deliver.

Taking into accounts President Akufo-Addo’s resilience to place Ghana among the fastest growing economies in the world for three years in a row at an annual average of 7%, it shows that we can’t afford to give John Mahama a chance again.

Records have shown that the erstwhile government of John Mahama, grew Ghana’s economy at 3.4%.

Under John Mahama, graduate nurses who completed their courses were never employed but it takes a courageous leader like President Akufo-Addo to create room for employ over 70,000 nurses in less than 4 years he stepped into office.

In 2016 before handing over power to President Akufo-Addo, Teachers who had completed colleges of education under John Mahama, were not employed. In 2018, President Akufo-Addo showed the way by employing over 33,000 Ghanaians into the teaching field.

As it stands now in 2020, close to 95,000 teachers have been employed by the Akufo-Addo led government.

In 2015 under the leadership of John Mahama, membership of the Ghana Unemployed Graduates Association stood at 24,647.

Through the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) programme started by the current government, there is nothing like that association in Ghana.

The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) programme is a government initiative to address graduate unemployment to solve social problems.

It therefore smack of hypocrisy for former President John Mahama to claim that when given a second chance, his government will create a minimum of 250,000 jobs in a year and about four million by the end of his four-year term.

He has a poor record when it comes to economic management and can’t do a quarter of what President Akufo-Addo is doing with Ghana’s economy.

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