John Mahama Should Publicly Address The Tracey Boakye – MzBel Issue- SAC-Ghana

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Mr. John Dramani Mahama

A group by name Social Action Committee – Ghana (SAC-Ghana), is calling on former President John Dramani Mahama to publicly address the issue involving the alleged fling with actress Tracey Boakye and songstress, MzBel.

In a statement copied to, the group highlighted that “The Tracey Boakye-Gloria Kani-MzBel exchanges, sadly, have shed light on the underbellies of politics, money and sex in the corridors of power in Ghana; a characterization a great nation like Ghana surely does not deserve. Even sadder, is the alleged association of H.E. John Dramani Mahama to this episode which further carries along serious repercussions for the integrity of our leaders both past and present as doubters may tar every one of them with the same brush.”

Full statement below… 


SAC-Ghana has learnt with utter shock the level of indecent, vitriolic and unprintable verbal attacks by certain female Social Media influencers on each other which unfortunately has entered our already verbally unpleasant political space, bringing the once revered Office of Former President as well as Presidential Candidate into disrepute.

As a committee, we condemn this behavior in no uncertain terms and call on all well-meaning Ghanaians to do same to ensure sanity prevails in our Social Media space.

The Tracey Boakye-Gloria Kani-MzBel exchanges, sadly, have shed light on the underbellies of politics, money and sex in the corridors of power in Ghana; a characterization a great nation like Ghana surely does not deserve. Even sadder, is the alleged association of H.E. John Dramani Mahama to this episode which further carries along serious repercussions for the integrity of our leaders both past and present as doubters may tar every one of them with the same brush.

As a committee that works to ensure the right values and conducts are exhibited by our leaders to the benefit of current and future generations, we feel obliged to make this statement to remind our leaders that their conducts, actions and inaction have consequences for the well-being of Ghana and its citizens therefore in all their dealings, no matter their personal flaws, should strive to let the Black Star shine irrespective of the personal cost to them.

In the light of these ongoing exchanges, SAC-GHANA wishes to make the following recommendations:

  1. The Government should take this opportunity to clamp down on sexualisation of the youth and open sex trade taking place on Social Media Platforms in Ghana
  2. Tracey Boakye-Gloria Kani-MzBel exchanges must cease immediately
  3. All media houses should immediately put a stop to publications that glorify immoral acts such as ‘Sugar Daddyism’ and ‘SlayQueenism’
  4. H.E. John Dramani Mahama, as a matter of urgency should publicly address the issues in the exchanges and also submit himself to DNA testing to prove the fatherhood of the child in question in order to deal with his doubters once and for all
  5. The Police should immediately move to provide protection for the child at the center of the exchanges to ensure her safety
  6. The great NDC party should decisively deal with allegations of unrestrained sexual behaviour among their ranks to ensure their enviable brand does not suffer any dents

We count on all parties involved in this regrettable episode to follow through with these recommendations to ensure the good name of Ghana as well as the respect our former Presidents are accorded continue to remain high.


Osbert Nsiah-Poku


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