John Mahama Is Not Credible — Kojo Oppong Nkrumah Fires.

Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Minister for Information addressing the media in Kumasi Tuesday morning


John Mahama Is Not Credible — Kojo Oppong Nkrumah Fires.

The Information Minister, Hon Kojo Oppong Nkrumah says the National Democratic Congress (NDC) flag-bearer for the 2020 elections is not a credible person.

Addressing the media in Kumasi Tuesday Morning, Hon Nkrumah said the former President has shown that he is not trustworthy because he does contrary to the things he says in public.

After outlawing motor-cycle for commercial business, the Information Minister says Mr Mahama was promising to legalize what he made illegal.

What is more worrying about the person of John Mahama and the NDC, Hon Nkrumah intimated is the insincere posture they take on everything positive.

‘’I sometimes wonder why the former President who said free SHS was not good as well as teacher and nursing trainee allowances is now the one beating a retreat on same’’, Hon Nkrumah teased.


Hon Nkrumah said the NDC Flag-bearer after inheriting a good economic performance from the Mills government in 2012 sunk the economy it its lowest in the nation’s history.

This singular act, he noted made the country to run to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for support so as to enable the economy to stand on its feet.

The IMF in charge of the economy from that time, the Minister said ensured that there was a freeze on public sector employment culminating in the formation of the Unemployed Graduate Association (UGA).

‘’It is surprising that while delivering the NDC’s manifesto on Monday night, the former President could tell an untruth that he took over an ailing economy in 2012 when he knew Prof Mills handed over to him a good record’’, Hon Nkrumah slammed.


Hon Oppong Nkrumah assured the Ghanaian electorate to place their hopes in Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, a man he noted had kept faith with the Ghanaian people.

He noted that the President is bent on fulfilling every promise he has made to the Ghanaian electorate.

The Minister said out of the 260 factories the President promised to put up in all districts in the country, 76 was operational with a target of finishing 232 this before the year ends.

‘’The desire of President Akufo-Addo is to ensure more jobs are created by the establishment of more factories as well as others the Private sector could partner to put up’’, the Minister stated.


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