Japan: Prime Minister Resigns 

Japan: Prime Minister Resigns

The longest serving prime minister for Japan Shinzo Abe has resigned due to health reasons.

He announced at a press conference on Friday that “Even though there is one year to go in my tenure and there are challenges to be met, I have decided to stand down as prime minister,”, adding that he would like to apologize to the people of Japan for being unable to fulfill his duties.

Abe according to medical report suffers from colitis, a non-curable inflammatory bowel disease, which was also a factor in his sudden resignation as prime minister in 2007, ending his first term after just over a year in office.

In the morning of Monday, Abe visited Keio University Hospital in Tokyo for what was his second hospital visit in a week.

“For almost eight years I controlled my chronic disease, however, this year in June I had a regular check-up and there was a sign of the disease,” Abe noted. “I made a judgment that I should not continue my job as prime minister” said Abe. “I need to fight against the disease and need to be treated.”

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