I’ve decided to be calm because I want to be a ‘Presidential Material’ – Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central and aspiring flagbearer for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kennedy Agyapong says he has been quiet on issues in recent times because he has to live up to certain standards required of a Presidential material.

He says because he had been vociferous over the years on issues of national interest and his party, his opponents want to use that against him but served notice that it will never hold water.

The lawmaker believes that his bid to lead the NPP is ordained by God and in this manner nothing can change that reality, promising to disgrace his fault-finders by the day’s end

Kennedy Agyapong argues that no matter what his past has been, he can possibly lead the NPP to hold power and go on with the continue with the development of the country.

“Anytime you will see or hear Kennedy Agyapong shouting on Television and radio, then is either I’m fighting for my party NPP or the voiceless Ghanaians in society”, he stressed

“To those saying I like talking too much and because of that I’m not presidential material to lead the NPP, I have decided not to talk again to prove that I’m now presidential material. I have all that it takes to lead NPP as flagbearer and I qualify to be the president of Ghana. They can fight against me but it will never change the will of God”, he disclosed this while addressing delegates in the Western North Region.

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