It is rare these days for someone to complete Free SHS and become a robber – Managing director, State Housing

Nana Kwabena Ampofo Appiah, the managing director of State Housing, says, the Akufo-Addo led administration has made enormous efforts towards the nation’s security.

According to him, the country has experienced a decline in crime rates, since the inception of Free SHS policy.

Speaking on Wontumi Morning Show on 13th May, 2024, he reiterated the government’s commitment to making the country a peaceful one.

“People used not to sleep at night, due to robbery, and one factor is because people only completed Junior High School. There is peace in the nation now, because most youths are enrolled in Senior High school with no charges due to the Free SHS policy. We are experiencing low crime rates also. In addition, It is rare for someone to complete Free SHS and become a robber” he said.

Furthermore, he was optimistic that, the governing NPP will clinch the upcoming general elections.


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