Immediate Release By Kadjebi DCE: The Death Of The Two Young Men Knocked Down By Cocobod/National Security Security Taskforce Vehicle

Two young men named Agbla Peter age 22 and Alorwu Paul age 19 met their untimely death when they were knocked down by the vehicle of Cocoaboard/National Security Taskforce when were returning from Kadjebi on the 25th of December 2023 to repair their spoilt speakers for the celebration. The incident happened at exactly 8:42 pm.

On the eve of the incident, I Hon Agbanyo Wilson the DCE and the Head of DISEC was so responsive by tasking the district police commander Gyan Mante to move to the incident scene and report back to me. The Police commander acted immediately and briefed me on what transpired.

I later discussed the issue with H. E. Rashid Bawa Ghana’s High Commissioner to Nigeria and NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Akan Constituency who is in Kadjebi. The two of us put our heads together to engage the National Security and brief them about the situation on the ground and suggested that the National Security operatives in the district be withdrawn forthright from the district to calm tempers and tensions down. The National Security operatives have been accordingly withdrawn immediately.

In less than 24 hours after the incident, I met with the Chiefs and Elders, the bereaved families and community members of Yadzo to commiserate with them on the unfortunate incident. I condemned the act which led to the death of the youth and said the accident could have been prevented if the task force had acted professionally.

I extended my heartfelt condolences to the Chiefs and Elders, the bereaved family and the entire Yadzo Community and asked them to remain calm as investigations are ongoing to bring the perpetrators to book.

Meanwhile, I have asked the Police to investigate the matter with utmost urgency which requires bringing the perpetrators to book.

I want to assure all and sundry that DISEC will have an emergency meeting with the Cocoaboard immediately to look at the exigency of the issue for redress.

I want to assure the good people of Kadjebi district that every step will be taken to bring the situation under control

Furthermore, I want to set the record straight that there was a misrepresentation in what the Member of Parliament Hon Yao Go put out in his press release that there was a Muslim deceased named Alhasan Inusah. Thus, there was no Muslim deceased as put out by the MP for Akan Constituency. One would have thought that the MP Hon Yao Gomado would have contacted the necessary stakeholders before issuing his press release but that was not done. This act by the Member of Parliament was to play on the keyboard of the people’s emotions just to whip up public sentiments against the ruling government.

Finally, it must also be noted that it is not only Kadjebi District that this joint task force is operating. The above-mentioned task force is operating in the various districts namely Hohoe, Guan, Jasikan and Kadjebi Districts. This therefore clarifies the air that it is not only in Kadjebi District as being speculated.

Hon Agbanyo Wilson
Kadjebi District Chief Executive

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