IGP Deepens Police, Military Relations …with support of GIS, GNFS, Prisons & Customs

The Police administration has taken the military-Police relationship a notch higher by organising a historic Guard of Honour and reception for the outgoing Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Vice Admiral Seth Amoama.

heads of various security agencies handing over a citation to outgoing CDS

The programme, held at the forecourt of the Police Headquarters, had in attendance heads of other security services.

They are; Mr Isaac Kofi Egyir, Director-General of Ghana Prisons; Mr. Julius Kuunuor, Chief Fire Officer; Mr Kwame Asuah Takyi, Comptroller General of Ghana Immigration Service and Alhaji Seidu Iddrisu Iddisah, Commissioner of Customs Division of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

The event also happened to be a surprise Guard of Honour, which the outgoing CDS was highly appreciative of.

In an acceptance speech, Vice Admiral Seth Amoama noted that in his 42 years of service in the Force, never has he seen something of this sort.

He described the event as a novelty, and that it would go down the annals of history as the first of its kind organised by a sister security agency, for an outgoing head of another security service.

He advised his successor, Major General Thomas Oppong Peprah, to copy the good example that has been exhibited by the Ghana Police Service and even stride to do more.

He thanked President Nana Akufo-Addo for the trust he reposed in him as CDS.

Vice Admiral Seth Amoama equally thanked the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo-Dampare and the heads of other security services for the kind words.

IGP Dr. Dampare, on his part, said the guard of honour was in respect of the cordial relationship that had existed between the GAF and the Police Service.

He said the Police Service was celebrating the outgoing CDS because during his time, he took their collaboration a notch higher.

On personal level, he said the outgoing CDS had been of help to him in many ways and he cannot thank him enough.

Mr Egyir, on the other hand, described the outgoing CDS as soft but the least to compromise on his values and ever ready to render help when the need arises.

The Director-General of Prisons stated that the outgoing CDS support his effort to calm inmates at the prisons and was grateful to him.

Similar sentiments were shared by Mr. Kuunuor, Mr. Takyi and Alhaji Iddisah about the outgoing CDS.

The police administration also presented a citation to the CDS, which partly reads: “Your commitment to inter-agency collaboration has played a pivotal role in fostering a seamless working relationship among our nation’s security agencies.

The Ghana Police Service and all other security agencies acknowledge with immense gratitude your steadfast support whenever the call for collaboration arose.

“Your responsiveness to the needs of the Ghana Police Service and all other security agencies as well as your readiness to deploy resources when required, even at the shortest notice, have significantly contributed to the successes achieved in joint operations and the discharge of shared responsibilities.”

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