Ignore Malicious Publications Against Me By Some Detractors ~ Former YEA Coordinator

Ignore Malicious Publications Against Me By Some Detractors ~ Former YEA Coordinator
Mr. Essando
The former YEA Coordinator for Tano South Municipality, Benjamin Assabil Essando, has appealed to the general public to disregard a malicious publication by the GNA and ModernGhana with the headline “YEA former coordinator ordered to cough up GHC10,400 to gov’t chest”.
In an interview with this newspaper, Mr. Assabil Essando has debunked the claims made against him by the publishers and purveyors of such viperous news item.
“For the avoidance of doubt, I was given a CONTRACT as a project assistant with effect from February 2018, I took what I considered to be allowances for about a year” he said.
He continued, “An audit was done and I was told that I was mistaken for assuming that what was being paid to me GHC1,300 monthly was an allowance so I had to refund the cash because I was still with GES. I refunded the said amount as instructed with the attached document as evidence of my last and final payment of the said GHC10,400.” he stressed.
He emphasized that the audit did not find him to have committed any fraud or criminal activity since he was neither invited by the Police CID nor arrested. He was asked to fully pay the amount which he did.
What is instructive, he indicated, is the fact that this audit and incident happened in 2018, almost three years from now but it did not receive any attention.
“This has come about as a result of the likelihood of me becoming the MCE for Tano South. It appears an individual and his assigns are bent on making sure that this does not yield fruits, hence these smear campaigns against me” Mr. Essando said.
Mr. Assabil Essando appealed to the general public to treat this spiteful storyline with the contempt that it deserves. He also appealed to the individual and his group behind this to desist from such devilish actions since it hurts the party in general at the end of the day.
He also indicated that his lawyers are ready to sue the media houses which published this story to malign him if they do not do the needful by retracting, apologizing and pulling them down from their web portals.
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