If Money Is The Only Thing You Respect, Then You Know Very Little About Life – M.anifest

Ghanaian rapper, Kwame Ametepee Tsikata, popularly known in the music industry as M.anifest has made some statements about life by saying that people who only respect money don’t know much about life.

In a long post on Facebook, the rapper opined that if money is the only thing an individual respects and cherishes, then that individual knows very little about life.

Well, after his post most of his fans opined against his statement by saying that they would rather have money in order to be respected because apparently money is the only thing that will make their lives comfortable.

A fan however supported his statement by saying; This is deep. Truly, M.anifest is right. M.anifest is trying to say that if somebody is poor today, you don’t need to disrespect him or her because the person’s life can change for him or her to be rich tomorrow . It is true that no condition is permanent in life. Today, the person is poor, tomorrow he or she could be rich or king so we don’t need to disrespect people because they are poor today.

Another fan also added by saying;

Though knowing is a blessing, sometimes, not knowing about certain matters concerning life; like when one is going to die, and how one is going to die, is the biggest blessing of all!

How dreadful the knowledge of going to die in a burning plane or drowning in the chills of the artic or crushed to paste going to be… How miserable life is going to be should we all be carrying these knowledge with us!

It will suck the life out of us all-whether we have money or not. I choose not knowing a lot about this life.

Knowledge is power, but, not knowing all things in this life is a blessing!

See his post and some of the reactions below:

By Wontumi2