“I don’t Make Flimsy Promises”- President Fires

“I don’t Make Flimsy Promises”- President Fires

“My competitors stood on roof tops and said that I am deceiving you when I promised Free Senior High School in the country but now you will know if it is true or not.” His Excellency President Nana Akufo-Addo said this when he commissioned a 12 unit classroom block at Konongo-Odumasi Senior High School.

He indicated that the free SHS has become a reality and that the doubters should quickly give him his stones but they haven’t.

Speaking at a Durbar at Odumasi on day two of his tour in the Ashanti Region which was covered by Wontumionline.com emphasized that he hasn’t deceived Ghanaians.

According to Nana Akufo-Addo it would be unbelievable to know people who will say they have not witnessed the success he has chalked in the three and a half years of his administration.

He said that, he has come again to appeal to the people of Odumasi that if they are pleased with his achievements then they should let the “four more for Nana” count.

He reiterated, “I made promises in 2016 and the bad governance by John Mahama made you votes massively for me.”

The Ashanti Regional Minister, Hon Simon Osei Mensah quickly added that, all have seen the good works of the President so this year’s elections is a thanksgiving one to thank President Akufo-Addo for what he has done for Ghanaians.

“We are pleased with the works so on December 7. We only know President Akufo-Addo and we will vote and give him four years to do more.” He stressed

He jabbed that, Ghanaians will not commit a blunder and vote for someone who God has confessed of treating Ghanaians bad.


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