I Can Never Support John Mahama’s Political Party- Kweku Baako

I Can Never Support John Mahama’s Political Party- Kweku Baako
Kweku Baako Jnr.

The Managing Editor of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, Kweku Baako Jnr., has emphatically stated that he doesn’t like the political party Mr. John Dramani Mahama belongs to.

The seasoned journalist in an interview on Metro TV which was monitored by Wontumionline.com, openly stated that inasmuch as he likes former President John Mahama as a “brother and friend”, he can never support his political ambition by voting for the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Kweku Baako added that “I like Mahama, but he runs on a vehicle I can’t support”.

On the same show, the managing editor of the New Crusading Guide newspaper addressed the NDC’s of Peacefm’s Kokrokoo show noting that their boycott decision as “wrongheaded and not sustainable”.

He further disclosed that he has information that shows that some big men in the NDC had impressed upon the management of Despite Media to make room for the NDC to return to the show.

I don’t feel comfortable when I don’t get to debate people. I only said NDC had impressed upon Despite to write a letter to them to come back to the show. I am not a member of the NDC but I have great friends in the NDC and I don’t have to mention names of people who negotiated”, Mr. Baako revealed.

He condemned the NDC for raising the issue of unfair representation on the show. According to Mr. Kweku Baako, when it comes to empaneling reps on a show, it doesn’t matter how many people amplify and support the position of their interested political party.

He stated that “it can be one person but it is the weight of what you say that matters. It is critical”.

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