How Can Mahama Continue Free SHS Policy When He discredited it? – John Boadu Asks

How Can Mahama Continue Free SHS Policy When He discredited it? – John Boadu Asks


General Secretary of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), John Boadu says the National Democratic Congress (NDC) does not still believe in the Free Senior High School Policy.

According to him, the opposition NDC kicked against the Free education policy introduced by President Akufo-Addo to the extent that prior to the 2016 general elections, they spent over 60 percent of its campaign funds to discredit it.

Speaking on Accra-based radio  Morning Show, the NPP Chief Scribe cautioned Ghanaians not to put the country in reverse gear by swallowing the NDCs lies to continue with the Free SHS Policy and vote for them.

“And so, voting for the NDC will mean that we will retrogress. When we said that we will roll out the Free SHS, the NDC ran lots of adverts and they spent about 60 percent of their campaign money to speak against the Free SHS Policy”.

“They embarked on TV adverts with a lot of drama, including that of students carrying trunks to school and they ended up saying the policy is all a hoax. Even just last year, the NDC said that when they come to power, they will cancel it by reviewing it,” John Boadu accused.

“Simply because the NDC has realized that Ghanaians have embraced the policy, all of a sudden, they say they will maintain the policy. But the person who thought of the policy and stood on his feet to implement it within 8 months in office, if he is still contesting for the office of President, you who don’t believe in the policy, you want Ghanaians to hand it over to you to destroy it?” he quizzed.

John Boadu therefore appealed to Ghanaians to guard against any attempt by the opposition NDC to destroy the Free SHS initiative by rather voting for President Akufo-Addo to continue with his good works and others yet to be rolled out in the party’s 2020 Manifesto.

“….the NPP, in its manifesto launch will roll out policies that will transform the country’s economy for the benefit of all Ghanaians as they have already started in less than 4 years.

“…the launch of the manifesto in Cape Coast for the 2020 general election on Saturday will allow speakers from all the sector ministries to talk about the feats they have chalked within the 4 years in power,” he disclosed.

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