House Of Chiefs Calls For Harmony In Parliament

House Of Chiefs Calls For Harmony In Parliament

The National House of Chiefs has called for harmony and cooperation among members of Parliament.

The House of Chiefs said both minority and majority in the House must also avoid partisan interests in the work of the legislature.

The call comes after the resignation of North Tingu MP Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa’s from the Appointments Committee of parliament.

NDC supporters maintain the hung parliament gave their MPs an opportunity to reject some ministerial nominees of President Akufo-Addo. All nominees of the President have been passed.

Addressing members of the House of Chiefs in Kumasi, President of the House Ogyeahohuo Yaw Gyebi II sad “I would also like to emphasize that Nanaom shall continue to entreat the legislative arm of government to work in cooperation and harmony in the discharge of their mandate to the interest of the public and the nation at large.

“The almost equal numerical strength of the minority and the majority in the house is an indication that Ghanaians can achieve our goals and aspirations together. We urge our members of parliament to eschew recessive partisanship in the discharge of the legislative functions in the interest of the nation.”

He also entreated “traditional leaders must really participate in the AstraZeneca vaccine exercise campaign to combat the deadly coronavirus.”

“As we are all aware, the government has produced a  number of the Covid-19 vaccines to vaccinate against the deadly virus. I will therefore entreat all Nananom to educate their subjects to actively take the vaccination exercise very seriously as it is one of the measures taken to reduce the rate of infection.”

He added “again, I would like to entreat members to continue their advocacy for continuous practising of the protocols in their various towns to curb the spread of the pandemic.”

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