Hon. Alex Blankson Rewards Teachers In Akrofuom Constituency

The Member of Parliament for Akrofuom Constituency, Hon. Alex Blankson has organized District Teachers Prize and Exhibition of Handicrafts in the area.

In attendance were Deputy Minister for Education, Rev. John Ntim Fordjour, GNPC Executive Director, Dr Dominic Eduah, traditional rulers and other prominent personalities.

Speaking to Nana Owusu Achiaw, the Deputy Minister for Education, Rev. Ntim Fordjour commended the MP, Director of Education and teachers in the vicinity for their hard work.

He said it was marvellous to peek students showcasing their talents in exhibiting magnific machines

He pledged that the students will be equipped in the STEM schools to broaden their talent to help Ghana get the next Albert Einstein

Rev. Ntim Fordjour lauded the awardees and encouraged those who couldn’t win not to be discouraged.

“Teachers can’t be left out in Nation building and for that matter, we commend them for their effort,” he said

He stressed that government will continue to be committed to the well-being of teachers.

For his part, Hon. Alex Blankson said “this is the maiden edition. The numbers and enthusiasm the teachers exhibited say it all.”

Hon. Blankson said the reward shows if you work hard as a teacher, your hard work will be recognized.

He substantiated that the reward will motivate the teachers to put up their best to teach the children.

“Those they didn’t get shouldn’t be discouraged rather they should keep working hard and one day the light will be shown on them,” he encouraged.

Madam Sarah Adu Amankwah who was adjudged the overall best teacher whispered into the ears of Nana Owusu Achiaw that she is very inclined to win the prize.

“This award has indicated that if you are a teacher and you do good work it will be recognized one day,” she said

According to Mad Adu Amankwah, she is a parent and that she is passionate about the profession and the children at large

She revealed that she treats every child in her school as her biological child.

She hinted that she will not be complacent after winning the award.

She said her target is to win the national best teacher award.

Madam Adu Amankwah encouraged her colleague teachers to keep working hard because tomorrow might be their turn.

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