He Is The Law, We Keep Hearing This Refrain Every Day —- P.K. Sarpong Writes


He Is The Law, We Keep Hearing This Refrain Every Day —- P.K. Sarpong Writes


He is the law, we keep hearing this refrain every day. He taught all the Justices on the bench.

In fact, without him, Ghana couldn’t have written a constitution. Every Supreme Court Justice in the last 40 years passed through his hands.

His legal prowess transcends the borders of Ghana and even Africa. Whenever his name is mentioned, wherever his name comes up, praises upon praises are heaped on him.

He eats and baths law. Every legal authority one can think of can be found in his brain. We have heard all these and more.

Now, let’s come down to reality. Let’s leave that surrealistic world and come down to the election’s petition.

Tsatsu went round and round and round in his fruitless efforts to shoot down the rejected application meant to subpoena Jean Mensa to give testimony in the ongoing proceedings.

With his in-depth knowledge on the law, with his enormous wealth of knowledge when it comes to legal matters, we hoped that counsel for the petitioner, Tsatsu Tsikata would cite legal authorities, articles and sub-sections of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, but none was cited.

Rather, the Law hinged his hopes on Hosea and quoting of the Bible. The Law abandoned the law and relied heavily on the Bible, forgetting that we talk law in the courts and Bible in churches, monasteries and chapels! Odiifo) Hosea abr3 ooo!

P.K. Sarpong, Whispers from the Corridors of the Thinking Place.

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