Hail Health Minister For Excellent Work And Not Crucifixion – GCPS

Hail Health Minister For Excellent Work And Not Crucifixion – GCPS

11th August, 2021


Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the press.

We are grateful for honouring our invitation even at such short notice.

Global Citizens for Peace and Safety GH (GCPS) is a Civil Society Organisation seeking the best for global citizens. GCPS is aware of the pressure being mounted and the call for the resignation of the health minister; Hon. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu.We are of a view that, individuals and organizations who are busy crucifying Hon. Agyeman-Manu must come again.

They must rethink their stance considering the fact that the Hon. Health Minister did what every critical thinking leader will do at that crucial moment.

All of us should be mindful that, our lives matter most and therefore the health Minister’s decision was most appropriate under the circumstances.

It is on record that the Dubai Sheikh Al Maktoum tendered in a proposal to supply Ghana 300,000 doses of the vaccine as a result of its scarcity because even India the hub of production was battling with the second wave of infections.

Hon. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu we believe has diligently served his country and he deserves better from Ghanaians for his selfless service.

Even in the midst of the brouhaha, the Hon. health Minister has tirelessly worked to procure from Johnson’s and Johnson a total of 177,600 vaccine doses which arrived on Saturday 8th August, 2021 at 4:00pm and was received by Hon. Tina Mensah deputy Minister of health on behalf of the Honourable Minister. Hon. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu has achieved a lot at the health ministry since he assumed office in 2017.

Some of his achievements are as follows; The N.H.I.S was in arrears of over 13 months to providers but he worked to settle the outstanding debt to the current 4-month arrears.

Again, the Hon. Minister in question led the cause for the restoration of nurses training allowance.

On his assumption to office, he was met with a backlog of unemployed nurses, doctors and other health professionals both in the public and private sectors from 2012.

He has worked to clear this backlog and currently one hardly hears of unemployed nurses demonstrating.

One hardly hears of doctors going on strike due to non-payment of salaries.

Several abandoned hospitals and polyclinics such as the Wa regional hospital, Tepa hospital, Twifo Praso hospital and 12 polyclinics in the Central region have been completed and commissioned.

Several CHIP compounds have again been completed during his tenure.

The final phase of the Tamale teaching hospital has been completed and commissioned.

This is the Minister who has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ROCHE pharmaceutical company to subsidize the price of Herceptin used for the treatment of breast cancer.

GCPS is therefore, basing on these outstanding records of the Health Minister Hon Kwaku Agyeman-Manu Manu and entreating our fellow activists to stop pushing for the Minister’s resignation because he should rather be applauded as the best Health Minister.

GCPS concludes by saying as follows:

The Hon. Minister is not the first leader who have breached protocols to save the lives of his citizens. In fact all great leaders have done that.

The Hon. Minister is a living testimony of Covid as he has suffered the deadly disease himself and will do anything to save his fellow citizens.

Our investigation in the Ghanaian society indicates the massive support for Hon Agyemang Manu’s brave action of risking his position as minister in attempt to save lives of his fellow citizens.

The lives of Ghanaians should not be politicise and all political parties should immediately stop political witch hunting and ease all protocols for the procurement of more vaccines for the citizens of this nation.

That is what the citizens are craving for not to play political games on their lives.

Finally, we are appealing to H.E The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to continue to have faith in the Hon. Minister of Health because we believe in his capabilities.

God bless us all and Thank you for your attention.

Long live Ghana

Long live GCPS

Akonoba Nana Boadu

(Executive Secretary)


0571171177 / 0552896339.

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