Government To Construct 8,000 Capacity Stadium In Oti Region

Government To Construct 8,000 Capacity Stadium In Oti Region

President Akufo-Addo has cut the sod for the construction of an ultra-modern astroturf stadium with a seating capacity of 8,000 in Dambai, Oti Region.

The construction of the stadium is the first major project by the government to develop the sports sector of the two-year-old region.

Jospong Group have partenerd with government for the construction of the stadium. Jospong, who are constructing an E-waste plant facility, will take charge of the astroturf and seats.

Sports Minister, Isaac Asiamah, who was at the sod-cutting ceremony, stated that the government is committed to developing sports in the region.

Isaac Asiamah

“Akufo-Addo’s government is poised to develop, reconstruct, and repair all sporting facilities in the country. Ever since he took over the mantle as the president in 2017, our various stadia in the country were in a dilapidated state, Accra Sports Stadium was not working but today the stadium is back to life. The Kumasi sports stadium and Sekondi is also under renovation,” he added.

He disclosed that other new regions will also benefit from similar infrastructure projects.

“We have started building multi-purpose youth of sports in excellence centers across all the regions, so the president has also initiated to provide the newly created six regions with the sports centers,” he stated.

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