Good News: Give Ghana Based Players Slots In Black Stars – Nana Addo To GFA Boss, Black Stars Coach

The fifth president of the fourth republic of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo has suggested to the president of the Ghana football Association, Kurt Okraku and Black Stars coach, Chris Hughton to involve local players in the Black Stars call ups list .

President Akufo-Addo spoke the mind of most Ghanaian football enthusiasts in his exhortation which is likely to be a welcome news for the local players as well

“When a team wins the Ghana premier league, some players of the team should be called up into the Black Stars team.” The President adviced.

Upon hearing the news, most Ghanaians and football loving fans are excited with the suggestion by the government which is likely to help in developing the local league and Ghana football at large.

By : Helen Darko

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