God Will Punish “Blackmailers” Like A Plus And Franklin Cudjoe For Talking Bad About Cecilia Dapaah- Lawyer Ampaw

God Will Punish Blackmailers Like A Plus And Franklin Cudjoe For Talking Bad About Cecilia Dapaah- Lawyer Ampaw
Franklin Cudjoe and A Plus

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw is calling for the wrath of God to befall Kwame Asare Obeng, popularly known as A Plus and Franklin Cudjoe for having the effrontery to talk bad about Cecilia Dapaah despite exploiting people through “blackmailing” on social media.

“Those of you using blackmailing as your source of income, you sit on social media and blackmail people- God will punish you one by one A Plus and co. But you don’t tell us how you make money, your musical career is dead and you are not into acting but you are able to buy air ticket and travel and even take your wife abroad. But we are not asking you your source of income – A Plus and co”, lawyer Ampaw fired.

He also threw salvos at the direction of Franklin Cudjoe, the Founding President of the policy think tank IMANI Centre for Policy and Education (Imani Africa).

According to lawyer Ampaw the loudmouth Imani Africa boss didn’t find his voice when former President John Mahama was embroiled in the airbus scandal but is flowing easily on the Cecilia Abena Dapaah case.

“Franklin Cudjoe you never spoke about Mahama’s airbus scandal. You have NDC apparatchiks speaking and calling for the woman to be persecuted but when Gyakye Quayson’s matter is brought to the front burner you call for it to be suspended. If it is about government official she should face trail but if it is about your member, we should enter nolle prosequi”, he explained as he shamed those behind the call for Cecilia Abena Dapaah to be prosecuted.

Cecilia Abena Dapaah, the former Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, recently resignated from the Akufo-Addo-led administration.

The resignation comes amidst the ongoing controversy over the alleged theft of substantial sums of money worth US$1 million, €300,000, and 350,000 Ghana Cedis in cash from her residence.


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