Go And Form Your Own Country If You Don’t Trust The EC- John Mahama Told (VIDEO)

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Nana Oteatuoso Kokobeng II

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress, John Dramani Mahama, has been advised to form his own country and rule if he doesn’t believe in the professionalism of the Electoral Commission of Ghana and the Judiciary.

Former President Mahama in an interview on TV3 asked authorities in Ghana to ensure that institutions like the Electoral Commission and the Judiciary are able to work without fear or favour just as what pertains in the United States of America (USA).

In response to his call, Nana Oteatuoso Kokobeng II stated on the Wontumi Morning Show that it will be better for the former President to look for his own country and rule if he now doubts the ability of an institution like the EC that has declared him President before.

What does he want the Judiciary and EC to learn? Is it today that we have such institution? Why didn’t he say that in 2012 before our elections? He should be specific. You have lost the election and the EC and Judiciary won’t move an inch to learn anything. Before the EC announced the 2012 election results, you were already in white”, Nana Oteatuoso Kokobeng II said.

VIDEO below…

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