Ghana Launches HIV Self-Testing Kits; Approved For Nationwide Use

Ghana has officially launched a new HIV self-testing (HIVST) program at the under the theme “Test Yourself: Know Your Status” which is being coordinated by the National Planning Committee (NPC) in partnership with the Ministry of Health.

The launch of the HIV Self-Testing Kits seeks to make it easier and more convenient for people to get tested for HIV.

Speaking at the launch of the Kits, the Minister for Health Kwaku Ahyemang-Manau indicated that there are more than 350,000 persons living with HIV and only about 71% of them are aware of their status.

The remaining 29%, he mentioned pose a major concern as they may, unknowingly, be spreading the virus.

According to him, one of the major obstacles that impede HIV testing is fear which is usually occasioned by the high levels of stigmatization towards persons who test positive for HIV.

He said, it is sometimes difficult for individuals to voluntarily walk into health facilities to get tested.

According to the Minister, the availability of HIV Self-Testing Kits (HIVSTK) is a significant step forward in our quest to create a healthier nation and by removing barriers to access, “we are empowering our citizens with the knowledge they need to protect themselves, their loved ones, and the wider community.”

Kwaku Ahyemang-Manau also averred that in order to bridge the gap in the testing coverage among hard-to-reach populations, Ghana adopted HIV self-testing (HIVST) in its Consolidated Guidelines for HIV care.

The HIVST, he noted, is one of the newest innovations in the range of strategies aimed at encouraging persons to know their HIV status.

“Currently, HIV Testing Coverage (1,971,381) out of a target of 1,900,620 were tested for HIV in 2022, representing 104% target coverage, a marginal rise from the 103% achieved in 2021 (NACP, 2022). The lack of knowledge hinders our ability to provide timely treatment, support, and care to those who need it most. The availability of HIV Testing Kits addresses this critical gap in our healthcare system.”

Forty-six people in the country are infected with HIV each day, the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) has revealed.

It said although the number was a reduction of the 62 new infections recorded daily five years ago and 52 new infections recorded daily three years ago, the pace of the decline was very slow.

“Our target is to have 17 per cent reduction in new infections every year but we were only able to achieve 10 per cent between 2021 and 2022, and so that means we have more than seven per cent gap.

We really have to address the gap,” the Director General of the GAC, Dr Kyeremeh Atuahene, explained.

Dr Atuahene, who made the revelation at the national launch of HIV Self-Testing (HIVST) kits in Accra yesterday, said the reduction was not enough, as it was the expectation of the commission to achieve a zero new infection rate every year.

HIV Self-Testing

The HIVST allows lay persons (non-medical workers) to test themselves for HIV in the comfort of their confidential spaces, without the presence and direct supervision of any health worker.

The testing delivers results within 10 minutes.

The test is done either using their blood sample or saliva, better known medically as “oral mucosal transudate”.

HIVST is a preliminary assessment to complement the routine test conducted by the trained service provider.

Hence, a reactive HIVST must be confirmed by the routine method of using three different tests in a series before a person is declared HIV positive.

The commission maintains that HIV testing is the foundation upon which effective HIV prevention and care programmes are anchored.

Unfortunately, only about 71 per cent of people living with HIV in Ghana are aware of their status, the commission said.

The remaining 29 per cent, consequently, pose a major public health concern as they may unknowingly be spreading the virus.

Annual new infections

Using averages, Dr Atuahene said 16,400 new HIV infections were recorded in the country annually.

He said the high number of infections posed a significant threat to the economy as HIV disproportionately affected the economically active population the most.

The Director-General of the AIDS Commission said it was also a major threat to efforts at ending the AIDS epidemic and achieving Universal Health Coverage.

“Despite advancements in prevention, treatment and care, the high number of new infections hampers the progress we have made thus far.

This situation calls for urgent action to prevent further transmission, provide treatment for those living with HIV and ensure equitable access to healthcare services,” Dr Atuahene said.

He encouraged people receiving treatment for HIV to adhere to the regime and maintain their suppressed viral status in order to enjoy a productive life.

Dr Atuahene also advised those who had stopped the anti-retroviral treatment to return to it immediately, pointing out that, it was still the only effective treatment for HIV.

On the HIV self-testing kit, the Director-General said it was an additional innovative solution to address the gaps in HIV testing and encourage more people to know their statuses.

“Self-testing will help address the gap in testing.

When we have tested the people and they are on treatment and are virally suppressed, then we have the opportunity to break the chain of HIV transmission which will significantly reduce new infections in the country,” Dr Atuahene noted.

Ghana AIDS Commission

On his part, Director General Of Ghana AIDS Commission, Dr. Kyeremeh Atuahene noted that, testing is the foundation upon which effective HIV prevention and that care programmes are anchored.

He said: “As managers of the national HIV response, we never ignore this fact but continue to scale up HIV testing year on year. The country adopted differentiated HIV testing approaches with emphasis on index.”

HIV self-testing he said, empowers individuals to discreetly and conveniently test themselves in the privacy of their homes or other preferred locations.

“We must prioritise the effective targeting of these groups of individuals who have heightened risk. Of contracting HIV and due to various social, economic and structural factors, have limited access to healthcare services.”

He pointed out that coverage of HIV testing, Anti-retroviral therapy and prevention of mother to child transmission is increasing and they are seeing the positive impact.

“HIVST is similar to how a malaria or pregnancy test can be done at home and the results known within minutes. With oral HIVST (for instance using OraQuick), it involves the swabbing of the upper and lower gums with an oral swab test stick and dipping the stick in a test tube solution and waiting for 20 minutes to read the results.”

He explained that, “the SH:24 used a virtual platform and courier service to distribute the HIVST kits in Accra, mainly, whereas GHANET undertook community-based distribution in 50 districts across the country. Preliminary results from the pilot show that, contrary to initial concerns, HIVST is seen by many Ghanaians as a very convenient way of testing to know one’s status”.

Already, some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa including South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Nigeria, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroun, among others, have rolled out HIVST initiatives.

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