Ghana Is Not Platform For Remedial ‘Exams’ —- Alpha Patriots Jab John Mahama

Ghana Is Not Platform For Remedial ‘Exams’ —- Alpha Patriots Jab John Mahama

Alpha patriots, the UK-based group with links to the ruling NPP says Ghana is not a platform where those who fail to govern properly are given another chance toy with same.

Governance, the group noted is serious business and that it is reserved for serious people.

In a press release copied to, the group describes the former President as a man who lacked vision and unfit to be given another chance to perpetrate more incompetence on the populace.

We publish in detail the release from the group.

The United Kingdom branch of Alpha Patriots have observed with grave concern how former President, now candidate John Dramani Mahama wants to use Ghana for his self-serving actualisation. John Mahama’s tenure,  smudged with corruption in the highest degree and inflated cost of projects, is the worst era of pilferage of the public purse ever perpetuated by a president in Ghana’s history.

Nation-building is a serious business and therefore it is repugnant and nauseating to the people of Ghana to be told again to entrust its leadership to a corrupt, weak, selfish, short-sighted, deceptive, indecisive and incompetent man like John Mahama who now purports that he has learnt his mistakes for which reason he should be given another chance to take Ghana back to the dark ages. Mahama, a man who has made a complete volte-face about all the good policies initiated by the Akufo-Addo’s government he once ridiculed because of his lack of vision should never be entertained to lead our country Ghana ever again.

The good people of Ghana vividly remembers the president who oversaw the Nkofem purchased with tax payers funds flying to Burkina Faso. We have not forgotten the tree-planting corruption saga, the RLG-laptop scam, the Zoom Lion dubious contract, the YEA corruption saga, the Bus branding day light thievery, the COCOBOD fertilizer dubious contract, the HOPE City scam, various inflated projects such as the Ridge Hospital, Circle interchange, Kumasi Airport runway, Kotoka International Airport expansion and many more.

John Dramani Mahama belongs to the history; he has no good plans and place in Ghana’s future. He has gone down in Ghana’s history as the dodgy leader who actively specialises in the injudicious spending of the tax payers money which could have been used to fund Free SHS, teacher trainee and nursing trainee allowances, NABCO, Planting for Food and Jobs, Capitation Grants just to mention a few. Ghanaians will never again be caught in the trap of such a trickster and a con of a leader like John Mahama. A Mahama-led NDC government will, without a doubt, bring back Dumsor, dubious contracts, inflated cost of projects and make a mess of all the good policies and programs which have been initiated and successfully implemented by the  NPP government led by His Excellency President Akufo-Addo and vice president, His Excellency Dr. Bawumia.

We urge Ghanaians to support and stand behind the NPP to continue to deliver programs and projects to create a prosperous future for all.

Douglas Osei-Appauh


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