Ghana And Germany Confer To Step-Up Cooperation In Economic, Labor, And Social Relations

President Akufo-Addo has held talks with two ministers of state from the Federal Republic of Germany, who are in the country for a working visit to seek ways through which the Central European country can deepen economic, labor,r and social relations with the West African state, Ghana.

The German officials are M.s Svenja Schulze, the Federal Minister for Economic Corporation and Development (BMZ,) and M.r Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs.

The two Ministers and their delegations paid a courtesy call on President Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House today Monday (20 February) as part of their working visit to Ghana.

Economic/security concerns

Miss Svenja Schulze, in her remarks, observed that Ghana-German relations date back several decades, and the current global economic challenges are the very reason why her country and Ghana ought to deepen economic cooperation.

Ms. Schulze also noted that the security situation in West Africa, posed a direct economic and stability threat to Ghana and Germany is committed to supporting Ghana in every way possible to ensure that the spillover effect of the security situation particularly in the Sahel is minimized if not eliminated.

German Labour Minister

Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Hubertus Heil, when he took his turn to address President Akufo-Addo, indicated that Ghana and Germany have a lot in common, particularly, in the field of soccer (football).

To this end, Mr. Heil said on behalf of the people and government of Germany, he extends heartfelt condolences to the people of Ghana for the tragic passing of Ghanaian football international, Christian Atsu, who died from the earthquake that struck South Turkey and North Syria some two weeks ago and has claimed of 42,000 lives.

He also commended the government of Ghana for standing on the “right side of history” by condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He noted that the position of Ghana as stated during the United Nations (UN) Security Council meeting was an important statement that positioned Ghana on the side of the rule of law.

Mr. Heil assured President Akufo-Addo that the German government is not looking to reduce trade activities in Africa and for that matter, Ghana but rather, his country is looking to improve it and to make trading between Ghana and Germany stronger and fairer.

Cooperation/ migration

President Akufo-Addo welcomed the two federal ministers from Germany noting that increasingly, Germany over the last decade or two, has emerged as Ghana’s closest European ally which has been evidenced by the highest level of contact the two countries have enjoyed in recent times.

Touching on the visit of the ministers, President Akufo-Addo indicated that the main reason for their visit is to see to what extent, economic cooperation can be improved between Ghana and Germany is an important development.

President Akufo-Addo noted that the migration problem confronting African countries is a clear and present danger that requires that the nations of the continent get their arts together as quickly as possible to compel the youth of the continent to desist from embarking on dangerous trips to Europe and elsewhere in search of greener pastures.

Russia invasion

On the response of Ghana towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Akufo-Addo said it has always been the foreign policy objective of Ghana not to support great powers dominating the affairs of the world and for that matter, smaller countries.

“We believe that this planet exists for all people, big powers, as well as small powers, and that hegemonic tendencies and rules of the world should be curbed as much as possible and that is the main reason for the position that we [Ghana] have taken [against the Russian invasion of Ukraine]” President Akufo-Addo said.

Sector ministers

The Minister for Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, and the Minister for Gender, Women, and Social Protections were all present at the meeting.

Over the cause of the visit of the Federal Ministers from Germany, they will be engaging with their Ghanaian counterparts to develop a strategy to improve relations between Ghana and Germany.

From Wilberforce Asare

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