Gas Tanker Drivers call off strike

The Gas Tanker Drivers Union have resumed full scale work as government take steps to resolve the matter with all the urgency that it deserves.

This follows an emergency meeting held between the Employment and Labour Relations Ministry on hand one and the tanker drivers and other stakeholders on the other hand.

The stakeholders that attended the meeting included the Ghana Transport Petroleum and Chemical Drivers Union and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Marketing Companies.

In a statement the Employment Minister, Ignatius Baffour Awuah, expressed gratitude to the workers for accepting to go to work.

He urged all stakeholders to stay calm until the matter is conclusively resolved in the shorted possible time.

The union some weeks ago accused officials of the NPA, of conniving with some Police officers to harass them on the roads.

The drivers also wanted approval for more than 80 applications submitted to the NPA for the construction of LPG stations.

But the NPA in a response refuted some of the claims and put out evidence, which suggests series of meetings had taken place over the issue which the driver union actively participated.

By Wontumi2