Fu**king Guy! Your Stomach Like ‘Bentoa’- Abronye Bites Leader Of #FixTheCountry

You Are “Incompetent”… “You Can’t Buy Me”- Abronye Playback Message To IGP (VIDEO)

Leader of the #FixTheCountry campaign, Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor has been heavily condemned by the Bono regional Chairman for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for using his platform to champion the agenda of former President John Mahama.

Kwame Baffoe in an address on the Nsempa Fie show, revealed that the leader of the group, Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor is against the government of President Akufo-Addo because he was once a Presidential staffer under the administration of Mr. Mahama and has stronger ties with the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The NDC, according to the NPP Chairman was paying the leader of the #FixTheCountry campaign GHC20,000 as monthly salary under Mr. Mahama.

For this reason, Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor according to Kwame Baffoe has made it an agenda to hide behind #FixTheCountry campaign and confuse Ghanaians who don’t know his political background.

“Today that you are not working in government you are calling for fix the country. Did you ever think about the masses when you were in the position to help them?” Kwame Baffoe aka Abronye quizzed.

He advised Ghanaians who had been confused by the #FixTheCountry campaign to think twice and come to the realization that Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor is crying for his

“fucking stomach”.

“You are crying for your fucking stomach…you stomach like ‘bentoa’, when you were eating into that stomach did you think about your brothers?” Abronye angrily asked/

Video below…

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