Friends of Dr.Owusu Afriyie Akoto Congratulate Him For Winning The 2020 Pan African Heroes Award

Friends of Dr.Owusu Afriyie Akoto Congratulate Him For Winning The 2020 Pan African Heroes Award
Hon. Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto
Ghana has drawn massive global attention in the last four(4) years for its outstanding success and numerous landmark achievements in increased Agricultural production attaining food self-sufficiency and ensuring sustainable food security.
One of the biggest achievement of Ghana’s Agriculture sector.
The country in recent years has focused on creating more forward-thinking modern agricultural technologies and programmes under the able leadership of Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto.
The Agricultural sector still remains crucial as the driving engine of Ghana’s economy.
Reforms have been necessary several times to enable Ghana’s agricultural sector support the economic and social development of our country.
Dr. Akoto in all his engagements has demonstrated deep desire for excellence and has given his worth and might for Ghana’s Agricultural growth.
Dr. Akoto, has helped move Ghana’s Agriculture from the doldrums of 2.9% in 2017 to about 8% within the four(4) years of President Akufo Addo led NPP government.
Congratulations Dr. Akoto, for been awarded *2020 Pan African Heroes Award* as the best performing Minister. We are delighted that someone with a passion for promoting nutrition received this prestigious award. The Award reflects your passion and selfless acts especially among the rural poor.
Dr. Owusu Afiriyie Akoto, Ghana’s Best Agric Minister Ever, the Pan African Heroes Award you have won is a testament of your hard works, commitment and efforts with unquenchable spirit. You have worked tirelessly in bringing change through farming in Ghana.
The Award was not given to you but you earned it and will always remind you of your dedication. You have really touched people’s lives and we celebrate your achievements.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic poses extraordinary challenges for almost every sector of the economy of Ghana. The need for maintaining food security and livelihoods has gained importance.
The cereal market remains balance and  comfortable despite the uncertainties over COVID 19.You took important measures for boosting Agriculture production which contributed in mitigating the Socio-economic impact of COVID 19.
The successful course of the rapid increase in Agricultural production, increasing the participation of women in agriculture, enhanced diversification and intensification as well as sustainable management of natural resources and the use of quality input and mechanisms for food safety are clear manifestations of your ingenuity and dynamism in the field of Agriculture.
The rearing for food and jobs(RFJ) Programme has developed competitively and  has led to domestic increase in meat production with steady decline in the importation of livestock all in the four years of your tenure as Agriculture Minister.
Ghana and the international community wish your well.
We, congratulate you for making us proud by winning such an enviable award.
Congratulations once again, our Legend.
We are extremely proud of you.
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