Fisheries Minister Hawa Koomson Tours TOR

Fisheries Minister Hawa Koomson Tours TOR

The Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (MoFAD) Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson and her team have paid a working visit to the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) to familiarise herself with the lifting and distribution of Premix fuel this week.

Her visit which is the first upon assumption of office was necessitated by the fact that premix fuel is a major component of the fishing industry signifying the importance the Refinery play in achieving the core mandate of the National Premix Fuel Secretariat (NPFS).

In a brief statement, Mrs. Koomson, highlighted that, since Premix fuel is highly subsidized by the government, the NPFS takes stringent monitoring measures to ensure the product gets to its intended destination and prevent diversion or inappropriate distribution.

According to her, The NPFS is also tasked to ensure that the proceeds from the sale of Premix Fuel are used judiciously in ventures and projects that will inure to the benefit and eventual development of fishing communities around the country.

She added that requests for Premix Fuel made by the Landing Beach Committees (LBCs) are generated through the Regional Premix Fuel Bodies chaired by the Regional Ministers in the various Regions. These are later collated by the NPFS for onward submission to TOR for processing and distribution to the LBCs by assigned Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs).

“Every vehicle needs a fuel to travel, the same thing applies to the fisher folks, and without the premix fuel they cannot continue their activities,” said MoFAD Minister.

She added that TOR Management to continue with the good work even in her tenure of office by ensuring an even and adequate supply of the Premix fuel across the landing beaches for a smooth operation of the fishing industry.

The Managing Director of TOR, Mr. Francis A. T. Boateng noted that the Refinery will not relent in supporting the activities of fishers. He pledged to supply the premix fuel timely for onward distribution effectively along the coastal regions.

Mr. Boateng reiterated that so far they have been working closely with the National Premix Fuel Secretariat to ensure that adequate quantities of premix fuel are made available to the fisher folks.

According to him, ‘TOR understands the market demand for the products and track it regularly to ensure that the quantities produced here (TOR) are sufficient to meet the market demand.

The Distribution Manager of TOR, Madam Roselyn Fiagbe maintained that the Refinery ensures a constant supply of premix fuel to all landing beaches through the various oil marketing companies. ‘We have three Bulk Distribution Companies linked to the premix in the refinery that supplies the oil marketing companies.

She disclosed that on a daily basis the Refinery tries to meet the demands of fifty trucks but currently supplies between thirty-four to forty trucks and occasionally exceeds forty trucks.

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